Rogo In Un Mondo Senza Violenza

13th November 2024

12 Inch



‘Sei venuto da oltreoceano, a svoltare la tua situazione, cos’hai trovato? Stanchezza solitudine rabbia malessere e un paio di occhiaie’ (Illusione) ‘You came from overseas, to turn your situation around, what did you find? Tiredness, loneliness, anger, discomfort, and a pair of dark circles’ (Illusion)

Hailing from Rome, Rogo (Pyre) feature members of both Sect Mark and Education.  On this their debut album, In Un Mondo Senza Violenza (In A World Without Violence), they unleash an utterly uncompromising blackened hardcore onslaught.  Erupting into life through waves of squalling feedback and discordant electronics, the opening track Perdidos (Lost) perfectly encapsulates all that follows – a visceral blend of barrelling hardcore ferociously fused with the buzzsaw riffs of early 1990s’ European death metal.

The band are notably adept at cultivating an inexorable sense of anticipation, leaving the listener hanging expectantly for just long enough, so that when they finally deal the killer blows, they land with a breathtaking ferocity.  From the crushing breakdown on Illusione (Illusion) to the infectious malevolence of the stand out Salvador Blanco (White Saviour), and from the savage Bagliore (Glow) to the venomous riffage of La Tua Condana (Your Condemnation), there is not even the merest glimmer of respite.

The guttural, growled Italian / Spanish vocals, with harrowing screamed backing, explore the lead singer’s own immigrant experience since arriving in Italy on tracks such as Illusione and Salvador Blanco (‘They will speak for me, and fight for me, without asking my opinions’).  He then widens his critique to the atomisation of Italian society on La Tua Condona (‘Separated and argued, there is no union, talking without doing, will bring extinction’) and Malcontento (Malcontent / ‘Entire neighbourhoods of unfortunates, gentrification and evictions’), before ending on the more tentatively hopeful note of El Di De Me Muerte (The Day Of My Death / ‘And to be happy for a day, and my smile will return’).  And you finally have a chance to draw breath again, before plunging straight back back into the abyss.

—Foundation Vinyl