Inferno Personale La Scelta É Tua

4th October 2024

12 Inch



‘Noi soli con noi stessi, La tua forza é in te stesso, Riazlzati fazzo adesso, La scelta é tua’ (La Scelta) ‘We are alone with ourselves, Ready your inner strength, Get off your knees now, The choice is yours’ (The Choice)

Inferno Personale (Personal Hell) are Bremen-based, but call upon members from Argentina, Colombia, and Italy as well as Germany. Their self-effacing claim to be ‘just another raw punk band’ is true in its simplest interpretation, but few bands execute this style with such an explosive intensity.  As on their fierce 2002 debut In Ira Veritas (In Anger Truth), they call primarily upon the traditions of 1980s’ Italian hardcore, seasoned with just a dash of Japanese crust by way of the cymbal awash drumming.  The first wave of mid-1980s’ thrash metal is also suggested, not least in the band’s deftness in just about holding their more chaotic impulses in check.

And while it is, of course, the unbridled ferocity that firsts draws you in, it is this very deftness that keeps you coming back.  Whether it’s the searing riffs that fuel Stammi Lontano (Stay Away From Me) and Alienazione (Alienation), the stomping rhythms of Schifo (Disgust), the thunderous bass that propels La Scelta, or the piercing clarity of the melodic flourishes laced through the battery, this is an album rich in memorable moments.  Meanwhile, the howled Italian vocals confront the corrosive individualism and fractured social relations fostered by our current economic paradigm.

—Foundation Vinyl