Prey Loathing

6th December 2024
Doom And Gloom

12 Inch

Deep Red


‘Greedy, why you don’t you get back to work, They say it’s all that your worth, And you’re making things worse’ (Ingrate)

Prey return with their second full-length, Loathing, an uncompromising, venomous battery in keeping with their 2023 debut, Unsafe.  The emphasis remains on taut, lean, furiously fast hardcore as they unleash 14 tracks in as many minutes.  The trio, who feature members of Pi$$er and The Shitty Limits, shed almost every adornment in pursuit of honing their sound to its absolute key essentials.  Their velocity is only heightened by the darkly flaring melodies and deftly deployed slab-like eruptions, as, perhaps, best exemplified by Street Scraper, ‘Til It Snaps, and Cannon Fodder.

This whiplash fusillade proves the perfect foundation for the band’s feral, savagely interchanging, three-pronged vocal assault.  Lyrically, the band take aim at the corrosive forces shaping modern day Britain and their dehumanising consequences.  A seething narrative that ranges from the hyper-capitalist architecture ravaging our cities on Street Scraper (‘Decadence on show, Built of those below’) to continued entrenched misogyny on A Woman (‘I’m less than anything…But also too much’), by way of soul-sapping workplaces on Hacks (‘Tip of the cap and slap on the back’).  All rounded off with some nifty collage artwork and a rather natty lyrics booklet.

—Foundation Vinyl