Gel Only Constant
- Format
12 Inch
Yellow and Purple Smash
Gel have been building what seems like an almost unstoppable momentum and with their first full-length they have honed that momentum into an impressively singular statement of intent.
Gel play an aggressive grove-laden hardcore punk that stomps with elasticity as opposed to size twelve boots. Riffs are subtly reworked through each blistering song. The energy and positivity are infectious. And therein lies their potency – everything about this record is focused on getting a room moving, not just the pit, but the whole room. Lyrics deal with themes of developing personal awareness and overcoming self-destructive tendencies with a sincerity that evades triteness.
CONVR65 is Gel’s debut LP Only Constant. You already know what this is. Hardcore for the freaks by the freaks. The culmination of Gel’s world takeover- a debut LP following up the Violent Closure 7-inch and last year’s Shock Therapy split 12-inch with Cold Brats. Hardcore punk music dripping with equal parts effect and authenticity. An exercise in groove and aggression that continues to be undeniable and anthemic. Welcome to the new era of hardcore punk – the freaks have inherited the earth.
—Convulse Records