Träume Wrzask
- Format
12 Inch
Clear With Grey/Black Splatter
‘Czujesz to gdy mnie tam nie ma, Widzisz gdy światło gaśnie,Oba brzegi coraz bardziej odległe, Ciężka fala pochłania,Odpływam, znikam’ (Ostre Przedmioty) ‘You feel it when I’m not there, You see it when the light goes out, Both shores more and more distant, A heavy wave swallows, I float away, disappear’ (Sharp Objects)
I had the good fortune to catch Träume’s (Trauma) rollicking set at last year’s Damage Is Done and it had rather whetted my appetite for this, their debut album, Wrzask (Scream). And from the darkly pulsing synth intro to the opening track Pieśń W. (Song Of W), I sensed that my anticipation had not been misplaced.
The Warsaw band’s foundations are rooted very much in the shapeshifting cadence of their rhythm section that dextrously recalibrates from the jittery anxious to the fluently propulsive. This is eagerly matched by the vocals which emerge as a densely rhythmic incantation, a tribal chant seemingly perpetually caught between impassioned exclamation and urgent question. The intrinsic intensity of this intoxicating partnership gives freer rein to the guitar, which veers from locking into a robust matching groove and unfurling sinewy, melancholic melodies of a more post-punk hue.
Meanwhile, the Polish lyrics render a forbidding dreamscape of loneliness, dashed ambitions, and dark impulses. Each song seeps unerringly into the next ensuring that Träume don’t relax their grasp on your no doubt juddering, contorting movement for even the merest moment. Personal stand out tracks amid this sonic possession are the hauntingly entrancing Kraina Snów (Dreamland) and the desperately insistent Tylko Przez Chwilę (Just For A Moment).